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Attribute Name Label Description Range Average Median Standard Deviation
Shape_Area None None NA 0.01 0.01 0.00
Shape_Leng None None NA 0.63 0.58 0.16
Categorias None None NA 3.00 3.00 1.37
NorFacSoc None None NA 54.07 55.00 27.80
SumaFacSoc None None NA 119.20 122.00 54.08
NorAccAli None None NA 49.20 50.00 31.72
VulnAccAli None None NA 207.07 209.00 103.69
SumaAccAli None None NA 236.73 218.00 80.29
CAActAlter None None NA 29.73 16.00 32.34
ActAlteAgr None None NA 50.20 29.00 51.53
SusHoCuAgr None None NA 62.27 75.00 30.49
PorHoCuAgr None None NA 81.13 86.00 11.04
SusHoCuPe None None NA 78.33 94.00 29.54
PorHoCuPec None None NA 80.13 93.00 24.67
SusAreAgri None None NA 47.67 52.00 33.73
NorAreAgri None None NA 52.33 48.00 33.73
PorAreAgri None None NA 68.47 66.00 20.20
SusDedAgro None None NA 48.47 48.00 29.24
PorDedAgro None None NA 40.13 40.00 20.69
NorInfrae None None NA 33.87 25.00 28.44
VulnInfrae None None NA -63.87 -73.00 29.75
CADistVia None None NA 75.13 82.00 24.05
NorDistVia None None NA 24.87 18.00 24.05
IndDistVia None None NA 0.36 0.30 0.21
SusTipViv None None NA 11.27 3.00 24.84
NorTipViv None None NA 11.27 3.00 24.84
PorTipViv None None NA 0.31 0.07 0.68
NorVulFaHu None None NA 36.13 32.00 26.87
SumVulFaHu None None NA 142.40 137.00 39.06
VulnAcTrab None None NA 71.80 85.00 26.43
PorcNoTrab None None NA 55.68 57.63 3.90
VulnAccEdu None None NA 42.07 44.00 27.29
SumaAccEdu None None NA 128.47 134.00 68.79
NormPobrz None None NA 28.53 21.00 24.33
SumaPobrz None None NA 204.87 185.00 64.11
Sector None None NA
Division None None NA
Departam None None NA
Codigo None None NA
Municipio None None NA

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