- Title
- Pobreza_peru_Merge
- Abstract
Proyecto"Atlas de vulnerabilidad hidroclimática de la cuenca amazónica"
- Publication Date
- April 28, 2017, midnight
- Type
- Vector Data
- Keywords
- Pobreza , OTCA
- Category
- Economy
- economic activities, conditions and employment. Examples: production, labour, revenue, commerce, industry, tourism and ecotourism, forestry, fisheries, commercial or subsistence hunting, exploration and exploitation of resources such as minerals, oil and gas
- Regions
- Bolivia , Brazil , Colombia , Ecuador , Guyana , Peru , Suriname , Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
- Owner
- eflores
- Restrictions
- REQUIRED: Restrictions and legal prerequisites for using the data set after access is granted.
- Edition
- Purpose
REQUIRED: A summary of the intentions with which the data set was developed.
- Language
- Spanish
- Supplemental Information
No se provee información
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